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The Lost Weekend

Sunday, October 22, 2006
On Thursday, it occurred to me that the next day would be Friday...and that somehow that would be good.
A very "TGIF-Full House" moment. Yeah, remember when you could actually have a successful television show on a Friday night. The "family shows"....made for parents trapped at home with their young children. Are there even any "family shows" anymore?
Well...probably not. But since I am currently in that window of time where I am neither the young child or the trapped parent, Friday night television does not cater to me.
This is why I propose "Office TV".
The TGIF lineup can be revived through series that cater to us poor underlings that find ourselves trapped, not by our own venomous spawn, but by our harsh dictator bosses and their driving whips.
We could have shows that would numb the pain of being at the office on a Friday night, and a Saturday morning, and a Saturday night, and a Sabbath Day for that matter.
Which takes me to my next point.
There seems to be this whole underworld of work that happens during times that people don't normally work. I used to wonder why people worked on weekends when surely the results of their labor would never be useful until monday anyway.

Then, I entered the workforce and discovered that there is a whole network of people who never have weekends. The work week just continues on full speed and therefore the work does get something done because they operate within a group that also never breaks for lunch. It's not a magnanimous pause until Monday.

These are also probably the people who have to shop online for groceries and whose relationships consist of a shockingly extensive collection of internet porn.
I promise to resist this fate.

Morning Coffee

Monday, October 16, 2006
I've decided to add a new portion to this blog so that bored people everywhere can entertain themselves as soon as they get to work.
It will be called "Morning Coffee" and I haven't exactly decided what it will be yet.

The Economist...

Just got off the phone with a reporter from "The Economist".

So sexy.

But his teeth probably look like those wax Halloween candy teeth.

Boss's Day

Today is Boss's Day. I think Hallmark would probably want me to buy a nice card and a mug or something.
But I'm thinking more along the lines of a pig's heart or Ex-Lax brownies.

But you know...to each his own.

New Low

Saturday, October 14, 2006
So the Bosses decide we need to all start coming in for five hours on Saturdays in order to work on this important project. Since I have a hard time just filling time while I'm here during my normal 8-7 work schedule, I was not at all happy to find out that I now need to find some way to kill time dead dead dead on Saturdays as well.

So this morning, I peered into my purse and found that my bottle of Wal-profen (Ibuprofen for those unfamiliar with the generic Walgreens brand) had come open, scattering pills throughout the bottom of my purse.
I decided to not bother picking them up just so I would have something to do once I made it to work.
I guess after I read all of the blogs known to man online, I'll get to start picking up little brown pills.

Just another day at the office!

Happy Columbus Day!!

Monday, October 09, 2006
If I worked for the federal government, I wouldn't be at work right now.
Oh wait...it's an hour and a half past traditional quitting time.
If I didn't work for an evil, PR despot, I wouldn't be at work right now.


Friday, October 06, 2006
My suspicians were confirmed today over my boss's true ability to be a P.R. person...and that was that he really doesn't have any ability.
We don't know how he found himself in this position of leadership, but somehow he did, and now he's just a bumbling fool who doesn't know how to handle the press, get the press to events, or to really do anything but sound like a whiny child on the phone to them when they don't show up.
After the event is already dead and gone by news standards.

So...I guess this means I'm working for an idiot.

Who'd a'thunk it?

When you wrench in from my cold dead hands

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
While investigating new places to work, I began to consider the possibility of me finding a new job that wouldn't allow me completely free and unrestricted access to the oh-so-necessary-for-my-sanity-and-survival internet.
So, by way of the internet, I found this article.

Rage Against the Machine

My boss yelled at me today and threw a remote control on desk.

Can I sue for worker's comp for verbal abuse?

Invitations are Always Lost in the Email

Monday, October 02, 2006
Nearly three months into my job here, I finally got an invitation for an after-work event. It popped up on my blackberry like a mushroom after a rainstorm...you know...like it had really been there all along, languishing in the airwaves, until finally something brings it to the surface.

I didn't accept the invitation. I guess I could have, though maybe that would have been the ibrown-nosing and suave thing to do. But there is something a little offensive about having to wait this long for an invitation.

It reminds me of being in high school and having to wait until every single other girl in my class, other than the ones who smelled bad, was chosen as an attendant for some (now) truly forgettable dance until finally they got around to me (a perfectly acceptable candidate with good hygiene). Maybe they were just out of other people to invite out to the purposely generic after-work event...it couldn't be that they would actually be interested in my company.

I'm far too smart and weird for that.
Maybe I should take this invitation as an insult to my intelligence.

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I'm the-cubicle From I am bored at work. Obviously, so are you.
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